thinking of ai

using science & art to help us think about artificial intelligence

 reimagining Daniel Bernoulli # 1
reimagining Daniel Bernoulli # 1

start // dialogue // thinking // get-together // about us

Three centuries ago, Daniel Bernoulli used calculus to introduce innovations spanning the natural and the social sciences that paved the way for a better understanding of physical and social systems, from fluid dynamics to the stock market. Fast-forward to today, artificial intelligence is introducing innovations that promise to move the boundaries of knowledge yet further and influence all aspects of our lives. Inspired by Bernoulli’s ideas on utility and risk we aim to scrutinise the promises and challenges posed by current and future innovations: Will artificial intelligence usher in a new renaissance or, rather, create new, unwanted risks?

The initiative thinking of ai aims to understand the role that artificial intelligence, in particular, generative models, will increasingly have on human endeavors. By encouraging a broad dialogue spanning the arts and sciences, the initiative aims to inform our thinking about the future of creativity and innovation in this new era of mechanical production.

Please join us in this journey! Start by telling us what you think about artificial intelligence through this short survey or joining us for our get-together on November 10th, 2023.